Local Guides Culture & Folklore Story SE01

Camping with a spectacular view directly under the big sky – “Keyakidaira Campsite”

There are a number of nature-rich campsites in Takahagi. All of these campgrounds, which have been quietly loved for a long time, are beautifully maintained yet well balanced with nature, and have a charm that will captivate even seasoned campers.
Among them, “Keyakidaira Campsite,” located slightly down from the summit of Tsuchidake, is a wonderful campsite with an exhilarating and spectacular view that stretches to the Pacific Ocean. The grassy area with the summit of Mt. Tsuchidake in the background offers a view so expansive that you can almost reach the sky, giving you a wonderful sense of freedom.
Although the campground is closed in winter when the wind is strong, it can be enjoyed in any season with a view that clears your mind.

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月曜日, 25 1月