Area information around Fukuroda
It is the area information around Fukuroda Station on the JR Suigun L
茨城県北6市町にまたがるロングトレイルの情報WEBサイト Information website for long trails spanning six cities and towns in northern Ibaraki Prefecture
Central area of Ibaraki Prefecture North Long Trail
It is the area information around Fukuroda Station on the JR Suigun L
Information on toilets and convenience stores around Fukuroda Station
A field survey was conducted on September 5, 2021.Participants led by
Would you like to create the future together?The "Ibaraki Kenpoku
June 13, 2021 The first maintenance this year was carried out.Partici
Some sections will finally openThe Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail wil
A maintenance event was held in the fall of 2020Participants cent
Participants centered on the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Cooperation C
It is the area information around Shimonomiya on the JR Suigun Line,
Geo-scenery that you can meet on the course of the North Long Trail i