Local Guides Culture & Folklore Story SE05


If you are outside of Ibaraki Prefecture, you may not be familiar with Seicomart. Based in Hokkaido, Seicomart is the oldest convenience store group in Japan, and for some reason, its stores are concentrated in Ibaraki Prefecture in Honshu. The reason for this is that the former chain formed a franchise alliance with Seicomart, which operates Seicomart stores. In the northern part of Ibaraki Prefecture, there are areas where there are only Seicomart stores nearby, as shown in this map, and they are very reliable when walking the long trail in northern Ibaraki Prefecture. It is worth experiencing the taste and planning that distinguishes Seicomart from other major convenience stores, such as its early introduction of an in-store cooking service, as a souvenir story.
The external sales business, which sells its extensive lineup of self-planned PB products to other companies, is another strength of the SECOMA Group, and Ibaraki is an important distribution base in Honshu. PB products manufactured in Hokkaido are transported by ferry to Ibaraki and supplied to supermarkets in the Kanto region. Before you know it, you may be picking up the delicious taste you have tasted at Seicomart in northern Ibaraki for your daily shopping.

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