Maintenance information: Information on field survey in October

We will conduct a field survey in October

In the maintenance in September, thanks to the efforts of all the participants As planned, we were able to carry out substantial maintenance. Thank you for your cooperation.

In October, we will conduct a field survey to select the location of the signpost.
We would like to do it on the following schedule, so please join us. Thank you.

Schedule: October 10th (Sun) and 17th (Sun), 2021
Implementation location: Maintenance section this year
* It is a work to confirm the installation location of the signpost while actually walking in the section constructed this year.
* We will carry out in a hiking style.
Participation application form ▼

Click here to apply for field survey in October

* There are adjustments depending on the number of participants, so Please apply for participation from the above link in advance.

Please register and participate in the Ibaraki Prefecture North Long Trail Cooperation Corps.

Ibaraki Prefecture North Long Trail Cooperation Corps Click here for

We look forward to your participation!

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