Toilets and convenience stores around Kami-Ogawa Station

Information on toilets and convenience stores around Kami-Ogawa Station on the JR Suigun Line, which is the entrance to the Ibaraki Prefecture North Long Trail / Central Area.

Toilets and convenience stores around Kami-Ogawa Station

You can use the toilet at Kami-Ogawa Station free of charge for 24 hours, but please note that it is located inside the station building on the platform side.
The parking lot at Kami-Ogawa Station is also used by those who use the station and the public hall attached to it.

The convenience store is “FamilyMart JA Hitachi Okukuji”, which is a 15-minute walk from Kami-Ogawa Station. Business hours are from 6:00 to 23:00. Please note that it is not open 24 hours a day.

▼ FamilyMart JA Hitachi Okukuji

Local resources around Kamiogawa

There are plenty of campgrounds around Kamiogawa, making it a perfect base for the North Long Trail in Ibaraki Prefecture.
You can enjoy Oku Kuji day and night in the nature created by the Kuji River, which flows while swelling.

▼ Click here for details

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