Local Guides History Story 01

HISTORICAL-01: Walk the spectacular view seen by Mr. Huangmen

“Deputy General of the World” “Mito Komon-sama”
The second feudal lord of the Mito domain, Tokugawa Mitsukuni,
Established the actual situation of the Mito clan, the three families of the Edo period
He was a politically powerful person.

It seems that he was also very interested in the north of Ibaraki prefecture.
Despite the difficult times of traffic
It is said that there is a record of visiting the Oku Kuji Daigo district 11 times.

There is also a theory that he was paying attention to the gold mine produced by Daigo.
The magnificent view seen against the back of the mountains that produce gold
He named it “Overlooked Hakkei” and loved it.

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月曜日, 25 1月