Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Course Maintenance Report ④

June 13, 2021 The first maintenance this year was carried out.

Participants centered on the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Cooperation Corps,
The existing mountain trail of Mt. Washizusan has been improved.
Weeding, collecting grass, etc. have made it a cleaner and easier-to-walk mountain trail than before.

Course maintenance (June 13, 2021)


This time, to all of the 27 cooperating teams Thank you for your participation.

Walk from the Washizusan trailhead to the maintenance site.


Although it is an existing mountain trail, The vegetation was energetically overgrown.

Some places like this.
It’s worth the maintenance.

Maintenance has finally started.

With pruning scissors,
I will cut the vegetation beside the mountain trail.

Carefully collect the cut vegetation with a rake.Eat lunch and prepare for the afternoon maintenance.
Dead trees that may fall down carefully felled from the root.The ground becomes clear, It’s easier to walk than before.
It makes me want to walk more and more reborn as a fine trail.It is also a landmark of the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail I went down the mountain with the yellow tape on.
With the Kuji River flowing while making a big turn you can overlook the scenery of Daigo village and mountains.Than originally planned I was able to proceed with the maintenance.
Thank you to all the members of the cooperation team.



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