Toilet / convenience store around Fukuroda Station

Information on toilets and convenience stores around Fukuroda Station on the JR Suigun Line, which is the entrance to the Ibaraki Prefecture North Long Trail / Central Area.

Toilet / convenience store around Fukuroda Station

There is a toilet at Fukuroda Station, which can be used free of charge for 24 hours.
Convenience store HAYASHIYA is a 10-minute walk from Fukuroda Station. Business hours are from 7:00 to 23:00. Please note that it is not open 24 hours a day.
There are two municipal parking lots on the street leading to Fukuroda Falls, and you can also use the toilet on the premises.
▼ Convenience store HAYASHIYA

▼ Fukuroda Municipal No. 1 Parking Lot (50 cars)

▼ Fukuroda Municipal Second Parking Lot (220 cars)

Local resources around Fukuroda

Around Fukuroda, there are many places where you can feel the nature and people’s activities quietly, not to mention the famous waterfall Fukuroda Falls. You can discover new things just by taking a leisurely stroll around the city. You can also enjoy a day trip hot spring, so please stop by.
▼ Click here for details

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月曜日, 25 1月