Local Guides Culture & Folklore Story SE03

“Nakasato Fruit Road”~Walking in the village pleases the senses

The Nakasato district, which is the main walking area in this map, has many orchards spread along the Satogawa River. This district, where a variety of fruits are grown, mainly apples, grapes, and blueberries, has become widely known in recent years as the “Hitachi Nakasato Fruit Road.
In spring, visitors can walk through the idyllic scenery of fruit trees blooming in the peaceful village, and autumn is the season of delicious harvest. In the fall, when the delicious harvest is ready, there are orchards where visitors can try their hand at picking the fruit, making the Nakasato walking experience even more enjoyable. Some fruits are also sold at the still-new “Nakasato District Tourist Information Center,” which is not to be missed. If you go down to downtown Hitachi, you can also find sweets made by pastry chefs using Nakasato apples.
One of the best parts of a once-in-a-lifetime trip is hearing the stories of the people who love the fruit in the orchards and make the community thrive. A walk through Nakasato, where you can see, hear, touch, taste, and fully experience the area, will surely enhance your trip to the northern part of Ibaraki Prefecture.

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