Introduced on Ibakira TV on November 6, 2021

Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail was introduced on Ibaraki TV “CHALLENGE IBARAKI”.
Gota Watabe, an ambassador from Hitachi City, actually walked the course that opened in March of this year.
He reported on the charm and future of the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail along with beautiful scenery such as Fukuroda Falls and Namasefuji.
In the exchange with the members of the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Cooperation Corps that I met during the mountain climbing,
The activities of the cooperative team and the feelings of the members of the cooperative team are also introduced.
At Satoyama, where the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail is located, you can enjoy the autumn colors right now.
Please watch Ibakira TV and enjoy it.
Enjoy plenty of autumn satoyama on the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail.

Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Cooperation Corps is also looking for acclaim! No special qualifications are required.
The maintenance activity is a very rewarding activity to create and connect mountain trails by ourselves.
Let’s create the future of the history of the North Long Trail in Ibaraki Prefecture together! !!

Click here for Ibaraki Prefecture North Long Trail Cooperation Corps

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