Introduced at Nikkei Glocal on February 21, 2022

Ibaraki-kenpoku Long Trail was featured in the special feature “Prolonged Corona Whirlpool, Long Trail with Expectations for Regional Revitalization” in the specialized information magazine “Nikkei Glocal” for creative regional management.
Under the theme of what kind of intentions and thoughts of local governments and residents are behind the progress of long trail planning and maintenance in each region, we will maintain the process and route until the commercialization of the Ibaraki-kenpoku Long Trail. He introduced in detail the background, operation, and route maintenance of this project, such as the fact that all volunteer staff are in charge.

In the reporter’s experience reportage that actually walked the opening course, the highlights of Mt.Namasefuji-Fukuroda Falls of the Reiwa 2nd year opening course are summarized compactly, and expectations are rising for the charm and potential of the Ibaraki-kenpoku Long Trail. It has become.

Please take a look at Nikkei Glocal.

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