Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Course Maintenance Report-17

February 5, 2023 Signposts were installed.

Together with members of the Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Cooperation Team, we worked on setting up guideposts along the section from the Hananuki parking lot up Tsuchidake and down the mountain toward Nakatogawa.

Thanks to the cooperation of many people, we were able to successfully complete the installation of the target section.

Thank you to all participants!


Road sign installation work(February 5, 2023)

Eighteen cooperative members participated in this year’s event.

Hard soil is excavated using pickaxes.

Underneath the signposts, stones are placed and fixed.The finishing touch is to harden the soil with a hammer.
After the installation of the signposts (1)After the installation of the signposts (2)

After the installation of the signposts (3)

After the installation of the signposts (4)

A commemorative photo at Tsuchidake. Thank you, participants!



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