Local Guides Culture & Folklore Story SE04


SE-34 Harutomo Sculpture Forest Park is an athletic park with tennis courts and lawns. Although camping, barbecues, and the use of fire are prohibited, the spacious lawn is ideal for picnics, and the park is loved by local residents as a place to relax.
The park faces a shallow river, and visitors can go down to the river surface to play in the water. During the hot season, this river play is very popular, and the park becomes lively with the sounds of excited children.
There are also hiking trails that allow visitors to explore the surrounding area, and a leisurely exploration of the Harutomo region is another way to enjoy the park. Passing through a waterfall with a tranquil atmosphere and a forest where a variety of small birds sing, you can also taste delicious Ota grapes when you reach a village of vineyards. Harutomo Park is a valuable base from which to take a break as you continue your journey in the northern part of the prefecture.

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