Published in “Deep Ken-O Expressway plus +” in March 2022

Ibaraki Prefecture was featured in “Deep Ken-O Expressway plus +”, where the regional reporters of five credit unions provide deep information on the Ken-O Expressway area, and Ibaraki-kenpoku Long Trail was enthusiastically introduced.
One of the highlights of the opening course is the rocky ridge in Namasefuji, commonly known as “Jandalum in Ibaraki” on the cover.
The contents are very readable, such as how to enjoy the Ibaraki-kenpoku long trail, equipment suitable for long trails, and highlights of the course scheduled to open this year.

Why don’t you take a look at “Deep Ken-O Expressway plus +” and discover and enjoy the hidden charm of the northern part of Ibaraki prefecture on the long trail.

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月曜日, 25 1月