Ibaraki-Kenpoku Long Trail Course Maintenance Report -25

Aug 11, 2023 “Mountain Day(National Holiday)” Course maintenance was performed.

Course maintenance (Aug 11, 2023)

This maintenance activity was conducted in the Kita-Ibaraki area.

Once again, a new route had to be developed, but thanks to the hard work of the cooperative team, we were able to successfully complete the work on the target section.

We will start with a solid meeting since
there is some weather uncertainty.
Finally, maintenance begins!
Move to the maintenance point.

Maintenance will begin in this state.

We will carefully remove dead branches
and other piles of dead branches.
After removing dead branches and
fallen trees,
use a rake to carefully clear the trail.

In summer, such a “cool” spot
makes me even more excited
than usual.

Some areas are covered
with bamboo grass…

We will maintain it carefully.
There are bushes all around…

A pleasant trail was created!

We handed out volunteer activity
certificates to those who have worked
as maintenance and utilization leaders
for the past year.
We look forward to working with you
in the future.
The maintenance was done in a very
remote area,
but everyone’s daily routine? Because
it was Mountain Day? We were blessed
with good weather.
Thank you to everyone who participated!

この投稿文は次の言語で読めます: 日本語 (Japanese)


H: +11°
L: 0°
月曜日, 25 1月