Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Course Maintenance Report -21

March 25, 2023 Signpost work and time measurements were carried out

Signposting work and timed measurements of route sections (25 Mar 2023)

Together with the Ibaraki Kenpopku Long Trail Cooperation Team, we worked on the signposts and measured the times.
This time, the route was from the Hananuki Valley entrance to the Oosuga entrance to National Route 349 via Tsuchidake and Mt Tatsuware.
Continuing from last time, we worked together to identify the arrows to be displayed on the signposts that had been set up so far, and to measure the time between the signposts.
Thanks to the cooperation of all participants, we were able to successfully complete the target section.

Thank you very much!

Despite the unfavourable weather, eight co-operation workers took part in the event.The work is divided between the course sections.

The signposts are viewed from the front and the arrows identifying the destination are identified.It is recorded in terms of clocks such as 8 or 12 o’clock.

The time between signposts is also measured. We usually walk at a considered pace.

We were able to meet up with another group. Since we are here, we are all checking the direction together.

It indicates the destination so that people do not get lost.
The decision is made carefully by sharing opinions.
On the way back, the rain stopped and it was a pleasant walk. We will use the records from this event to create signpost decals and trail maps.Thank you to all participants!


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月曜日, 25 1月