[Large increase frame] Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail Panel Discussion

February 26, 2021 (Friday) 18: 00-19: 00
It was held on Youtube live distribution because it was very popular.
Please feel free to join us as we have canceled the capacity limit.

The future and potential of long trails

The Ibaraki Kenpoku Long Trail will finally open in some sections this spring. Before the start of a spectacular journey that connects satoyama culture, outdoor pioneers who know the long trails deeply talk about the big dreams and future that will be born from the trails. Please feel free to join us as it is a safe online event.

Date and timeFebruary 26, 2021 (Friday) 18: 00-19: 00
VenueHeld online
Entry feefree
CapacityNo upper limit for the first 100 people
ApplicationIf you apply from the form below
Remind mail will be delivered on the day of the event
Details will be sent by email.
Please be sure to register an email address that you can contact
Application deadlineFebruary 23, 2021 (Tuesday / holiday)
If you apply using the form below
Please register by February 25, the day before the event.
remarksPlease cooperate with the questionnaire after the end
For those who registered using the form below
We will send you a questionnaire email.
Please register from the application form

Application form

この投稿文は次の言語で読めます: 日本語 (Japanese)


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月曜日, 25 1月